Friday, November 26, 2010

Great Quote

I am taking these quotes from my friend Greg Stier as I find them 100% applicable to the state of Christianity and soul winning today. All emphasis and italics are from me.

So what are the lessons for us as followers of Christ? In a 21st Century quest for Hipster Christianity we must remember that the call of Christ is the call to be uncool. It’s the call to pick up our cross and carry a radical and sometimes unpopular message to a broken world. It’s the call to embrace Jesus’ as the narrow gate, though it may appear narrow-minded and exclusive, but to be open-hearted and handed when it comes to the hurting and hopeless.
We need to present the full Jesus to a lost and dying world. We let His life flow through our lives and our lips. Through our lives will pour out a passion for the poor and downtrodden. Through our lips will pour the radical message of hope and life, that can also be highly controversial, since Jesus said His way is the only way of salvation.

Christian, is your Gospel one that seeks to be hip? Is your Christianity so well adjusted to your culture that fit in more with that culture rather then having your life transformed by the message of the cross? Are you willing to risk souls just to be hip and popular?

I'm not.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dare 2 Share: The UN tour

This weekend I was honored to serve at the Dare 2 Share UN  tour event here in Denver.

Friday night many teens responded to the Gospel and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. We had a powerful drama that left many eyes wet and you could tell had everyone thinking about how quickly people are dying and headed into eternity.

Saturday was a full day of preaching, teaching, and worship. We had the group Shane and Shane leading in worship all weekend. DJ Promote was there keeping things moving during the breaks. Propaganda was there and was one of the speakers. Both of these men were on last years tour, but this was the first time I got to talk to them and we enjoyed sweet fellowship while sharing what God was doing over the weekend.

Also speaking was crowd favorite Zane Black who is very passionate the life and purpose Jesus Christ has given him. Zane was on the wrong road of drugs and women when Jesus found him and transformed him. It was time at a Torchbearers Bible School in Winter Park Colorado where God realy begun this transformation on Zane. Today Zane serves at this same school as a director.

The main speaker was the founder and president of Dare 2 Share Greg Stier. Greg was pastoring and doing Dare 2 Share until April 1999 and the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School. After that day, he went full time with Dare 2 Share and God has been using this ministry to mobilize teenagers to relationally and relentlessly reach their generation for Christ.

The purpose of the UN tour, as every with every Dare 2 Share tour is to get teens equipped to live  THE Cause, to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples, and on and on until the return of Jesus Christ.

Here is the list of the rest of the tour stops on this years tour. Adults, they can always use Volunteers, and if you have any teens, you need to get them to this conference.

Columbus, OHFeb 04-05 2011
Washington, DCFeb 11-12 2011
Lincoln, NEFeb 25-26 2011
Twin Cities, MNMar 11-12 2011
St. Louis, MOMar 25-26 2011
Chicago, ILApr 01-02 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010

Keep The Gospel Clear

In a chapel sermon at Dare 2 Share, Greg Stier clearly explains why you whould avoid using 4 very popular and common statements when sharing the Gospel. He explains why they are not Biblical, and also shares how to explain this Gospel.

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