Sunday, March 14, 2010

Resources - Books

Where the last book we looked at, Dare 2 Share: A Field Guide To Sharing your Faith, dealt with one on one anytime soul winning, our book today looks at two by two by two soul winning.

In 1962 Sword of the Lord publishers released the booklet Let's Go SOUL WINNING by Dr. Jack Hyles. Dr. Hyles was instrumental in getting churches involved in personal soul winning as it was the basis for his ministry.

This book is designed for use in the Church visitation/soul winning program when church members go out in groups of two, yet much of what is in here can be used in any situation the soul winner finds themselves in.

I am going to share one excerpt from this booklet that I wish every Bible believing church would get a hold of. this comes from p. 3.

Notice the simplicity of the Great Commision. I'm satisfied that this is not all it teaches, but this is the basic teaching, as I see it, of the Great Commision. There are several verbs in this verse. The first one is "Go." We are to go. That means go where they are. It doesn't mean to put up a shingle in your office and say, "If anybody wants to get saved, inquire within." It means you are to look them up, track them down. You are to go where they are.

This book comes highly recommened for all soul winners, and is available from Hyles Publications and Sword of the Lord Publishers.

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